God's Love Shines down on us all

God's Love Shines down on us all
I Love You All, Blessed Be

Friday, August 28, 2009

My heart aches

My heart aches for my children growing up in a broken home. I've always had both parents, never left with one alone. Talking and explaining, I constantly have to do. Why is this, why not that, why'd her promises not come true. I do all I can to make sure they have love. I pray at night for guidance from the lord up above. I would have done anything, even married that girl. If it would give my children a happier world. That dream will never happen, she's not right for us. Having two loving parents home, that dream turns to dust. To leave her alone is the path I must take. And for my two children my heart will always ache.


  1. I am a single parent for the second time. Knowing what you have been through, staying in a bad relationships is not good for you or the children. I was like you the first time my marriage ended. The second time. I looked at my children both times and knew I had to get out of the abuse. I never spoke ill of either husband until my children did, but I could see the relationsips were rtaking a toll, hiding under the table when they were young, then leaving and staying gone till almoxt bedtime after they got a little older, shutting down.

    I tried to have a relationship a couple of times since but again they were not good for my boys or me. I am now at the point that I am happy to be alone. No one to answer to. No one to tell me what to do or how to deal with my sons. The house is peaceful for the most part now and less stressful.

    My friends that saw me while I was married or saw me dating, now say they can see that all of us are much more happy. Give it time and wait for the kids to talk to you about how their mom was while she lived with all of you. Sooner or later they will come around and realize that all of you are better off. I will keep you and your children in my thoughts prayer and concerns. Take care, Scott and hange in there.

  2. I agree with lisa, I grew up in a home where my mother tried to stay with my dad for us, we were broke and poor after she made him leave, but we were so much happier, I was 14 then but my little brother and sister were 3 and 6, so they weren't abused anymore. I was glad they didn't have to live through and see what we did. You are better off without her.
