God's Love Shines down on us all

God's Love Shines down on us all
I Love You All, Blessed Be

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Autism is Everywhere!

Hello my friends. My deepest love and prayers for you and your family. I would like to address the world as some of you are only seeing part of my words and misinterpreting what I'm trying to say and thinking that I have a one sided opinion or what ever. I want to say that I believe, once again, that autism is the human race evolving. Whether or not that is a good thing is up to each and every one of you! Evolution is caused by changes to the environment and our society IS causing these changes. The way that our society has changed over the years is one cause. We need to socialize less therefore some of us are evolving into the autistic community the genetic means as a way of adapting to an ever changing planet. Our societies pollution of this planet is another cause. The toxins that are going into every ones system are causing some of us to evolve into the autistic community as a direct result of an assault on their bodies by these toxins. I am sure that many other ways are and will be discovered as to why humans are evolving into autistics, adhd, and many other forms but the point is we are evolving. Every living creature on this planet does and you all have to open your minds and realize this. You can see evolution with other animals and accept it. You can see new species appearing and being discovered every year and accept that. But most of you refuse to believe that humans are ever going to change and that's the wrong attitude to have. If you keep pointlessly debating the causes and who's to blame for all of this and complaining about the situation instead of doing something about it, this evolution is going to end up being man's extinction, you've got to see that! Only together can we help this evolution along, see the good changes in our children and fix the bad. Encourage and support their new found gifts and talents. Start to forget about how society has lived all along and start bringing about change for a better world for the whole human race. How long do we need to continue this normal rat race routine that society has been doing for thousands of years. It's time to stop valuing possessions so much. Money is useless. Even gold is just a metal. Why can't you all see that we are on the brink of something so much more wonderful if all of you would only allow it to happen and help it to happen. Or you can just call me crazy, lock me up for trying to start a change, being a revolutionist, whatever. The human race can continue it's daily grind and slowly evolve back into animals and eventually disappear and die off and become extinct. Look at the way society is acting now. Most of you do act more like animals than smart intelligent loving creatures like god intended you to be. WAKE UP PEOPLE! We ARE on the edge of Armageddon. You must see this. Continue to only care about yourselves, following your animal instincts of greed, lust, and violence. Isolate yourselves from your families and value your wants, needs, and possessions more than anything and you are all doomed!! I pray that you will listen to my words as I and I alone believe that they are inspired by god. He wants us all to wake up and be saved. He wants us to turn this planet back into a paradise the way it was intended. It's up to you. I love each and every one of you and I pray you take heed to my words and change. With my love for all of you and your families

Scott Crawley


  1. It's hard to say to what extent natural selection is working on the rate of autism in the population, but I would agree that social selection is playing a big part. In the past, a moderate to severe autistic might never meet someone interested in them as a partner, as their personality quirks or functional difficulties may have prevented them from making a sufficient meeting of the minds.

    With modern technology, modern culture and the wide variety of livings available to people these days, there are not so many strict lines along which people can meet, interact and join with each other. The chances for people to meet compatible others is much greater now than it was when one was restricted so much by local and cultural boundaries. Computers and the internet especially have facilitated this process, as people can meet each other from much farther away than before, and the text medium helps those of us who lack certain social skills to communicate with less awkwardness. I know it has done for me, anyway.

  2. Just curious, Scott, what is your opinion on who is "god" and how does one become "saved"?
